Feb 1, 2013

Adventures in Teething

Phew! 10:30 and I have been working for two solid hours to get Elijah to fall asleep. We are officially one week into cutting his first tooth, and it's going average. Apparently he is not terribly fussy during the day while I am at work, and he usually gives me a good two hours at home before he explodes; but right about the time I am putting him down for bed, Kablamo! It's like I'm pulling that tooth out of his mouth with pliers. Poor little man. We are using everything we know - cold teethers, frozen washcloths, nighttime Orajel, baby Tylenol. I hate that he is hurting so bad. As I was rocking him and trying to soothe him by humming "Jesus Loves Me", I was taken aback and comforted myself with the line "they are weak, but he is strong". All too often I forget to lean on God when I am too weak tackle something on my own. Teething is definitely one of those times. I am too weak to hear him scream so hard and need God's help to get both he and I through this physically and emotionally painful time.

Dec 3, 2012

Mary did you know?

The other day as I sat in my partially decorated, warm living room on my comfortable sofa, nursing my precious son and a cup of decaf coffee, I couldn't help but reflect on Mary. You see I never truly had the perspective of just how amazing she was until I became a mom. Here was a young girl - we're talking teenager here - who was not yet married, carrying a child she never chose to create. To top it off, this child is the Son of God and forgiver of our sins...talk about intimidating! I mean I question whether or not I am going to be able to raise my son in a manner in which he will love God and be a good and faithful servant. How did this girl do it? There are so many resources out there for me to read if I am not sure if I am doing what's best for him and plenty of opportunities to become overwhelmed. I forget that all I need is a quiet place to pray and my bible. As far as I know, Mary did not have these luxuries (well, maybe the opportunity to pray). What great faith she must have had. Let's put aside the difficulty she endured giving birth in a manger.That's just the beginning of her story as the mother of Jesus Christ. how terrified was she of doing the wrong thing? Did she have trouble controlling her temper? How exhausted was she in those first weeks when he needed her to give all of herself to feeding him? Here is a woman of strength like no other. Of course, God chose her specifically because she had this strength - but I wonder, did she know she had it when He chose her? Did she questions God's choice? I am confident she did (she's only human, right?). I truly wonder what being the mother of Christ would be like...

Sep 18, 2012

Elijah Owl Announcement

Whoo's That Blue Baby Announcements
Birth announcements, Valentine's cards, & invitations by Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Elijah Polka Dot Announcement 1

Andante Dots Cerulean Baby Announcements
Create photo birth announcements by Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Elijah negative announcement 3

Mod Marquee Blue Baby Announcements
Personalized cards for babies, Valentines, Easter and Mother's Day.
View the entire collection of cards.

Aug 6, 2012

It's amazing how fast this last 15 weeks went. The last time I posted our baby was the size of a banana. Now he is a large melon! So much has been happening these last few months and I can't wait to inform you about it all! But first I must organize my pictures. More to come in the next couple of days (I hope!). :)

Apr 29, 2012


Twenty weeks down and twenty to go. We have reached the halfway point of this pregnancy and I cannot believe we are already there! The first eight weeks or so seemed to move so slowly, but now it seems like time is flying by! I know it will only move more quickly when Norton gets here, but I already find myself desperately holding on to the beautiful changes that are occurring. I love feeling him/her move (now that it is occurring more frequently) and cannot seem to keep my hands off of my belly. :)  Chandler and I think it is funny that the baby is always compared to food - mostly fruits or vegetables - and try to eat the comparable food throughout the week. This week - bananas! Some weeks are easier than others. My favorites so far...mango and avocado. We can't wait to meet this banana and are super excited to find out (in two short days) what Norton is going to be! Thank you Lord for this amazing blessing!